Wasteful Insurance System: Health care costs in the United States are significantly higher than those in countries with similar or better health care performance. Reality is that those who pay private insurance companies for health care are not getting their money's worth. According to Gary Kaplan, president of the Mayo Clinic, more than half of the $2.3 billion dollars spent towards health care has no effect in improving health.
Caregivers Have Distorted Incentives: Private insurance companies are in the business for a profit rather than to help the sick, they are profit-seeking firms. Due to the fact that switching from one insurance company to the other is so difficult, dissatisfied consumers cannot afford to switch to other insurance providers. As consequence, the monopoly that private insurance companies have over health care have restricted our market.
Discrimination Caused By Pre-existing Conditions: Pre-existing conditions prevent individuals from receiving a health insurance policy. Due to pre-existing conditions many pay a costly premium if the coverage is even obtained. People with pre-existing conditions like sexually transmitted diseases, or even health problems are less likely to have health insurance. Private insurance companies deny tremendous amounts of applications each year due to pre-existing conditions that applicants appear to have at the time of applying for health insurance.
Medical Information Technology Is Outdated: Most medical facilities rely on outdated technology for giving patients the care they need. Since private insurance companies can not provide opportunities for freedom within the health care system, plans fail to provide the customer with adequate information, consistent policies, and up to date technology.
Lack of Transparency: Most people would agree with the fact that private insurance companies are good at hiding their profits. Private insurance companies hold a monopoly over our current health care system. Even though there are various private insurance companies, only four or five of these companies control more than 80 % of the health care industry.
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