Many people prefer the luxurious amenities found within the American health care system, but when it comes to cheaper prices and quality health care many turn to the french for health care. France enjoys universal health care, in other words french citizens enjoy free health care everywhere in France. The health care system in American is too expensive for many and the quality of health care is not the best. The french government's total expenditure on health insurance covers 80% of all the costs. The rest is paid by consumers and employers through supplemental pocket expenses and immigrants from other countries that receive health care in France.
Differently from the American health care system, the french health care system covers the costs for patients who have chronic illnesses and need medical attention. Everyone who has lived in France for more than three months is considered a citizen, therefore they can enjoy the benefits of universal health care. A recent study shows that compared to the American population, the french live longer and suffer less heart attacks. Many believe this is due to the fact that France has more doctors and hospital beds. In France patients are free to navigate within public hospitals and are still guaranteed a reimbursement by the government. Overall, statistics show that France provides better quality health care than the United States. The french National Health Insurance, NHI, covers costs which include hospital care, outpatient services, prescription drugs, dental care, and even nursing home care. Public opinion towards whether or not the United States should mimic the french health care system is evenly divided. About half of the nation believes that the United States should have universal health care, while the other half believes it should not.
A question that could decide the health care debate is "Are our citizens prepared for huge increase in income tax to help pay for national health care?" France's income taxes are about 10% higher than American income taxes (give or take) which is more than it sounds. This in combination with the opposition of universal health care as just an idea would be hard to overcome.
ReplyDeleteYou are right after doing more research, the problem of higher taxes did arise. Universal health care would increase taxes, but at the same time the positive outcomes outweigh the negative ones. It is true that if universal health care were to be passed then American citizens would pay higher taxes. Reality is that income taxes will keep on rising even if universal health care is not passed. Even though universal health care could potentially bring detrimental effects into our already struggling economy, under this system every individual would be guaranteed medical care.
ReplyDeleteDo Americans deserve universal health care coverage provided by the government? Why should one person pay for another person's health. I have no control over my neighbor's diet so if he gets heart disease, what gives the government the right to take my money and use it to pay for his medication. If I wanted to give money to him directly thats completely different, but I feel that the government providing universal health care for all is just giving some people an undeserving break.
ReplyDeleteMost Americans believe that every American citizen should be able to enjoy free health care because they believe that health care is a human right. The question over whether or not Americans deserve universal health care coverage is still under debate. Personally I believe that every American should be entitled to free health care disregarding previous health problems they might have. In response to the comment made regarding people's diet and way of living placing a burden on other citizens, this assumption is true and is one that the government has been trying to solve over the past few years. If universal health care were to be passed the only solution that would take care of the problem presented with pre-existing conditions would be for the government to set guidelines that would improve overall American health and way of living.