The Health Care debate has caused a great deal of conflict among the nation. Many interest groups have brought up many arguments that have influenced the opinion of American citizens towards the idea of universal health care. According to the U.S. census bureau as of 2008 more than 47 million Americans were uninsured. The United States is the only country in the Western Hemisphere that does not provide its citizens with free health insurance. Countries like France, Canada and England offer free medical care to all of its citizens. In the United States alone more than 20% of those that apply for medical insurance are denied coverage due to preexisting conditions, obesity, cancer, and even sexually transmitted diseases. If the United States approves universal health care every person would have the opportunity of being examined by a doctor no matter what medical condition they have. Those 47 million Americans that are uninsured will be guaranteed medical assistance whenever needed.
I am in favor of a public option, in which people can choose which healthcare they prefer. It would destroy the healthcare monopoly that private healthcare has and increase competition which would make the healthcare market more efficient. Would you be in favor of the public option? Also, the font color hurts my eyes, can you please make it lighter?
ReplyDeleteEven though the public option would provide choices for the uninsured, it would not guarantee health insurance for everyone. Therefore, I am not in favor of the public option. With universal health care every person would not only have free health care but would be guaranteed medical care whenever needed. Did you know that a vast majority of people that apply for health insurance are denied?